Other Resources

Data and Code Repositories

Pamela Reinagel (2021) Replication data and code for: Some rats take more time to make easier perceptual decisions [Source Code]. CodeOcean https://doi.org/10.24433/CO.4091013.v1

Pamela Reinagel, Quynh Nhu Nguyen (2022) Differential effects of variability could explain distinct human and rat deviations from DDM [Source Code]. CodeOcean https://doi.org/10.24433/CO.9600522.v2

Pamela Reinagel (2021) When is it Worth Working for Water? A Utility Maximization Theory [Source Code]. CodeOcean https://doi.org/10.24433/CO.9212020.v2

Pamela Reinagel (2020) N-hacking simulation: In silico experiments exploring the effect of a questionable research practice on the reliability of research results [Source Code]. CodeOcean doi.org/10.24433/CO.6897218.v1

Pamela Reinagel (2020) Analyzing temporal coding in neural spike trains: A direct entropy method [Source Code]. CodeOcean https://doi.org/10.24433/CO.2731623.v2

Reinagel, Pamela; Shevinsky, Carly, (2020)Human and Rat Motion Discrimination Reaction Time Task Data. Harvard Dataverse https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ATMUIF

Archive-only white papers

Reinagel, P. (2021) Some rats take more time to make easier perceptual decisions. bioRxiv.

Gaudry, KD and Reinagel P (2012) Evidence for an additive inhibitory component of contrast adaptation. arXiv:1209.6607 PDF

Unpublished Supplemental Analyses

Nonstationarities in accuracy and response time related to time within session ("Data not shown" in Shevinsky & Reinagel 2019)

Nonstationarities due to slow fluctuations ("Data not shown" in Shevinsky & Reinagel 2019)